Frequently Asked QuestionsAviation and Spaceports Office

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What should I do if I see suspicious activity on or around an airport?
How can I receive a Florida Aeronautical Chart?
How can I receive a Florida Airport Directory?
Where can I get information about Florida's airparks?
Does the state license pilots or aircraft?
Do I have to pay Florida taxes if I buy an aircraft in another state?
What is the state's role with respect to private airports?
Do I need a license to keep and operate my plane on private property in Florida?
Do I need a license to land a helicopter in Florida?
Who do I contact about an airport that I have purchased or I am going to purchase?
Who can I call about an airline that recently lost my luggage on a flight in Florida?
Who can I call about an airplane that is flying too low over my house?
Who can I call about the noise caused by the airplanes flying over my house?
Who can I call to object to a tower planned for construction?
Where can I find a list of job openings in Florida for aviation-related employment?
Does Florida inspect and/or license any private-use airports within the state?
What does airport "site approval" mean?
What does airport "registration" mean?
What are "general" site approval criteria?
When should site approval be obtained?
What types of airports are "exempt"?
How do I apply for airport site approval?
How long is the site approval process?
Why does the process take 45 days and why is there a possibility of more delay?
What are "specific" site approval criteria?
Where do I send all of this in formation?
When do I register a "new" private airport?
How will I know if a petition was filed?
How long is airport site approval valid?
Why would FDOT revoke site approval?
When do I register an "existing" private airport?
What if airport registration is not done?
What is the option for a private airport to request FDOT inspection and licensing?
What are airport licensing standards?
Who is responsible for airport safety?